Black Sheep Building Fund (Innovation Center)

Black Sheep Building Fund (Innovation Center)

From The Knights & Orchids Society Inc.

TKO is purchasing our building! We are making long-term sustainable moves to acquire ownership for the TGNC and LGBQ community. Because we need a sustainable place to train & skill-up the next generation of TGNC lead...

The Knights & Orchids Society Inc.

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Update #8

over 3 years ago

We are currently in the
Start Design Development (DD) Phase
Complete Construction Documents (CD)
Solicit Bids & Contract for Construction Review Budget & Project Scope

And we need your help! If you know an Alabama licensed architect or would like to offer in-kind services please contact us at 334-603-1716. We are in need of an architect who can provide a Preliminary Feasibility Report.

You can also help by sharing!

Thanks again for all the showers of love

More Info

The Knights and Orchid Society (TKO) (SELMA, AL) was founded and is led by Black, queer, transgender, and gender non-conforming (TGNC) people, including many who are living with HIV, are youth under and are low-income people in rural and isolated areas of Alabama. TKO works at the intersections of racial and gender justice to improve the quality of life within the LGBTQ+ community by creating safe spaces that empower, educate, and unite TGNC and queer role models of color.

At the organization’s heart is a commitment to provide ample resources for community members—both to meet basic needs and to build their capacity for civic engagement and systems change work. Executive Director Quentin Bell explains, “You have to create the things you need and want to see in your community.” Recognizing the need to provide a full range of reproductive health and other health services and basic needs, TKO launched the FAITH (Fair Access in Trans Healthcare) project, which connects TGNC and LGBQ people to health and wellness services. TKO also created the RJ Free Store to provide essential items for women, children, babies, and trans people and established telehealth services across rural Alabama. The organization developed a strong collaborative relationship with a major provider of full-spectrum reproductive healthcare, including free mental health services, hormone replacement therapy, and free legal assistance to TGNC individuals seeking to change their name and/or gender markers. All these resources represent a safety net that supports the entire community to live, thrive, and not have to suffer from inadequate care, which in turn deepens their capacity to work on changing unjust systems that impact their lives.

TKO’s investment in leadership development, organizing, and political education builds the skills, confidence, and pride of community members to believe in their ability to make effective change and ensure that all people can receive comprehensive health services, including abortion care. 



TGNC people are some of the most resilient beings to walk this earth. But why does the journey have to be so damn hard most of the time? This “why” is the question TKO has been working to answer and change since October 2012. We envision a future where TGNC folks thrive and live abundantly. We have been fighting for a future that uplifts TGNC folks for living authentically and whole. We deserve a future that protects, nurtures, and motivates us to grow. Safety and sustainability should not be but rather the grounding principles that guide our movement. 

Understanding that historically, Black Trans and LGBQ folks have rarely had opportunities to define space, acquire ownership, and invest. We have always had to borrow or create spaces (without ownership) that empower, uplift, and unite. Imagine the power we would hold and the work we could accomplish if we owned land where we could build and invest. Each generation should not have to keep starting from zero. Ownership is ground zero and the foundation upon which future generations will begin to build and sustain generational wealth. This brings us back to "WHY" we are doing this fundraiser.

TKO is purchasing our building!  It is a multilevel brick structure with over 16,500 sq./ft of movement building greatness. It is located within an opportunity zone at the foot of the historic Edmund Pettus Bridge. We are making long-term sustainable moves to acquire ownership for the TGNC and LGBQ community. “Why” Because we need a sustainable place to train & skill-up the next generation of TGNC leaders and we cannot do it without you! 



This project will happen in three phases over the course of 2-3 years.

Phase 1-Design/Purchase $75,000

The first phase is all about bringing the vision into fruition. As we are actively reaching out to our community for support to share our story and donate, we are also focused on doing the foundational design work. Vetting architects, contractors, inspectors, and designers to develop blueprints, bids, and budgets is all happening behind the scene. In fact, we have even included those updates in the marketing plan throughout the project. We need to raise $75,000 to purchase the property from the current owner. The property is tri-level, 5500 sq./ft per floor, and located at the foot of Selma's Historic Edmund Pettus Bridge (March on Bloody Sunday).

Phase 2- Basement/Main Floor Reno $190,000

During this phase, we will focus on renovating the basement space and main floors. With the age of our building and obvious we anticipate a blank canvas renovation. Our goal is to create short-term housing for out- of- town staff, clients, interns, and other TKO guests on the lower level. The dorm-style lower level housing will include gender-neutral restrooms, gender-neutral showers, community kitchen and common area, a rec/exercise room, laundry room, private study, and a business lab. This level will be ideal for single clients needing emergency or short-term housing and income-driving housing for conference center/retreats and training.

The Main Floor renovation requires the least amount of work. This floor will operate as the Innovation Center. The Innovation Center will provide a hub for conferences/retreats, the RJ Free Store, a commissary kitchen, and staff offices.

Phase 3-Upper Level Renovation $85,000

The third level will operate as an income property for short-term rentals, such as Air BNB style apartments. With 5500 sq./ft of open space, we have an opportunity to design 5 or 6 900-1200 sq./ft modern living spaces that would provide essential revenue for the property. Since the launch of the Lynching Memorial and Museum, tourism dollars have increased substantially throughout Montgomery, Selma, and Birmingham due to its rich civil rights history and culture. it is still in the very early stages of growth. This income property would offset a major portion of expenses.


We intend to fund this project with crowdfunding, grants, sponsorships, in-kind donations, and loans. Below is a project breakdown:

Crowd-Funding- $150,000

Grants & Foundations-$50,000


In-Kind Donations: (Furniture, Volunteers, Etc.) $50,000

Total Budget $350,000





The timeline we have set is 2-3 years for the entire project.

Fundraising Phase 1 & Purchase                          April-July 2020

Design, Blueprints, permits, inspections, etc.  May-August 2020

Phase 2 Fundraising Begins    Aug 2020-Feb 2021

Pack Office Move into Temp Space          June-July 2021

Phase 2 Reno Begins                                    June 2021- Feb 2022     

Phase 3 Reno Begins                      Mar-May 2022         

GRAND Re-Opening                     May- June 2022





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Help The Knights & Orchids Society raise $150,000 by making a donation.

The Knights & Orchids Society Inc. posted a new update:
over 3 years ago

Update #8

We are currently in the
Start Design Development (DD) Phase
Complete Construction Documents (CD)
Solicit Bids & Contract for Construction Review Budget & Project Scope

And we need your help! If you know an Alabama licensed architect or would like to offer in-kind services please contact us at 334-603-1716. We are in need of an architect who can provide a Preliminary Feasibility Report.

You can also help by sharing!

Thanks again for all the showers of love

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The Knights & Orchids Society Inc. posted a new update:
almost 4 years ago

Update #7

Thanks for supporting my campaign! We've have reached goal for Phase 1 of our campaign. It means a lot have your encouragement and support. We could've have done this without you. I’ll keep you updated on the progress of my campaign.

We are now in Phase 2 of our campaign and are accepting bids from construction companies.

Phase 2- Basement/Main Floor Reno $190,000

During this phase, we will focus on renovating the basement space and main floors. With the age of our building and obvious we anticipate a blank canvas renovation. Our goal is to create short-term housing for out- of- town staff, clients, interns, and other TKO guests on the lower level. The dorm-style lower level housing will include gender-neutral restrooms, gender-neutral showers, community kitchen and common area, a rec/exercise room, laundry room, private study, and a business lab. This level will be ideal for single clients needing emergency or short-term housing and income-driving housing for conference center/retreats and training.

The Main Floor renovation requires the least amount of work. This floor will operate as the Innovation Center. The Innovation Center will provide a hub for conferences/retreats, the RJ Free Store, a commissary kitchen, and staff offices.

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The Knights & Orchids Society Inc. posted a new update:
almost 4 years ago

Update #6

We've reached 96% of our goal. We can't express gratitude for all the shares, support, and donations. We appreciate your commitment to us.

Thank you for believing in our vision.

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The Knights & Orchids Society Inc. posted a new update:
about 4 years ago

Update #5

We've reached 80% of our goal. Your support and or contribution is greatly appreciate it.

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The Knights & Orchids Society Inc. posted a new update:
about 4 years ago

Update #4

A word from our ED:

“If we look back after all of these protests and we’re still transphobic and homophobic, we did it wrong. The time for change is now.”
Quentin is working to effect change through his organization, The Knights & Orchids Inc. - TKO, providing grassroots support to members of the Black transgender community.

Watch the full video at:

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The Knights & Orchids Society Inc. posted a new update:
about 4 years ago

Update #3

Your financial Supports help us continue in our mission and to assist those in our community.
The generous support of individuals such as you make our organization to exist and to continue to help those in need within our community.
Thank you very much for your support! We are almost there.


TKO Leadership

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The Knights & Orchids Society Inc. posted a new update:
about 4 years ago

Update #2

Wow, We've reached over 50% of our goal. Thank you to everyone who has donated and shared our fundraiser! We can’t do this without community. $2,000 away from $50k y’all! Support us by sharing with 5 friends or Donate today. Don’t stop! We can't do it without you.
#tkosociety #blacktranslivesmatter #LGBTQ #pride

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The Knights & Orchids Society Inc. posted a new update:
about 4 years ago

Update #1

We've hit 25% of our goal. Thank you to all of our supporters!

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